British Newspaper Archive Announces More Newspapers
In a recent blog message British Newspaper Archive (BNA) announced that they have added 244 newspaper titles to their free-to-view pages. At present the only way to access these seems to require registration, i.e. login will still be required, but with no cost involved.
Two of the tourneys reported this week are from such free-to-view papers (Brief and The Week’s News).
I’m not sure if
any readers of this site think the free registration is an acceptable option
for links to sources.
Please let me know: if there are enough positive voices, I’ll
add the links. However, if registration prompts are likely to become irritating, I’ll
leave it entirely for now.
A very quick walkthrough of existing tourney pages suggest that two additional sources are on the free-to-view list:
Glasgow Weekly Herald
Newcastle Daily Journal
Several of the titles listed on the 1880s to-do list also seem to be there, but as I haven’t tried to access these for the relevant time periods yet, I’ll better not promise anything.