Brooklyn Chess Chronicle, 1887

Up to four #2 (6 pr. + 5 sp. pr.)
Open to the world. No motto requirements. Special prizes: 3 pr. for best problem by a lady composer; 1 pr. for problem with fewest men; 1 pr. for problem with most variations.
— (no judges identified)

The judges [ ... ] will select ten problems being the ten best, and will then adjudicate upon them, upon the features of Originality, Difficulty, Beauty of idea, Economy of force, Merit of constructions (allowing 1-10 points for each).
1887-07-01 (U.S.A.), 1897-07-31 (foreign)
— (tourney was not finished; see notes)
Brooklyn Chess Chronicle:
v. 5, i. 5 (1887-02-15), p. 76: three additional prizes (see notes)
v. 5, i. 6 (1887-03-15), p. 89: two additional prizes (see notes)
v. 5, i. 10 (1887-07-15), p. 151-152: final conditions
v. 5, i. 12 (1887-09-15), p. 181: tourney closed; nr of problems
British Chess Magazine
v. 7, (Nov., 1887), p. 448: tourney broken off, problems returned

This tourney was initially announced as The First Problem Tourney, and was later renamed to The Second Problem Tourney, presumably to correspond with The Second Solving Tourney with which it was associated.

J. Henderson, chess editor of Gazette (Montreal) donated three prizes for best problems by a lady composer. W. Steinitz donated two prizes; the tourney managers reserved them for problems with the fewest number of pieces, and largest number of variations, respectively.

The tourney problems were also part of a solving tourney.

The tourney received 118 problems.

Brooklyn Chess Chronicle ceased publication with the Sept., 1887 issue, which concluded vol. 5 (Betts 7-29). The end appears to have been unexpected: the introduction of the last issue looks forward to the coming volume, and tourney problems 12–15 are published.

The tourney appears to have been abandoned: no further details are known at present. British Chess Magazine reports that problems have been returned to their authors, and are eligible for future publications as far as they haven't been published already.