St Louis Globe-Democrat, 1876

single set #2 + #3, or #3 + #3 (2 pr.)
Open to composers of the United States only.
St Louis Globe-Democrat:
2/148 (1876-10-15), p. 7: announcement

No mention of the tournament has been found after the closing date, and no further installation of the column has been found until 1877-01-28, when a new chess editor is announced, and numbering of chess problems restarts at 1.

Brownson's Chess Journal i. 75 (Mar. 1877), p. 83 attributes the failure of the tournament to the fact that it was intended for local competition only, and that a second, international tournament was intended to be established within the next month. As no such intention is mentioned in the column, and as the column had been very active with originals from local composers (apart from the last months of 1876), it seems unlikely that the restriction of tourney entries to the U.S. was the main reason for the failure of the tourney.