Westminster Papers, 1878 (1st Löwenthal Tourney)

set 3x#2-4 (3 pr + 2 sp.pr. for best #2 and #3)
Open to all. Joint compositions not allowed. Set problems also competed for the best single #2 and #3 prizes; competitors could enter only for the single prizes. (In addition to the announced prizes, W. T. Pierce may have awarded an unnanounced prize. See notes for further information.)
P. T. Duffy, W. T. Pierce (umpire: F. H. Lewis)
1878-04-20 (UK) / 1878-05-20 (Europe, Canada, US) / 1878-08-20
1 pr. H. J. C. Andrews (Motto: When shall we three meet again)
2 pr. J. W. Abbott (My Lords the Judges laugh, and you are dismissed)
3 pr. J. Menzies (Many things perplex, / With motions, checks and counterchecks.)

pr. (best #3) J. W. Abbott
pr. (best #2) H. J. C. Andrews
p. 175 (1 Feb. 1878): announcement
p. 11 (1 May 1878): received problems, solution tourney announced
p. 180 (1 Dec, 1878): end of problem publication
p. 200 (1 Jan. 1878): judges report
p. 216-217 (1 Feb. 1878): competitors & mottos

The main prizes were donated by the Löwenthal Fund. The additional prizes for best single problems were donated by A. J. Studd (best #2) and Westminster Papers (best #3).

W. T. Pierce (one of the judges) announced an additional prize for one of the problems of the set Rosicrucian (G. J. Slater) (see Westminster Papers, v. 11, p. 130, prb. 1089) at the same time that the report was published. As this prize is not mentioned further, it is not known if it was awarded. It seems probable that it was considered to be unrelated to the tourney proper, and for that reason omitted.

Twenty sets were received, but only ninteen sets were printed (fully or partially). The last set did not include a motto or solutions, and was for that reason disqualified for competition. (The set was included in the list of competitors as by Sophie Schelt, (Merfort). This is probably a misreading or misprint of Sophie Schett-Merfort.)

The set Viator (a faulty set) was not included in the list of competitors, and thus the identity of its author remains unknown. A comment in the text reveals it to be from Australia.


1 Prize: H. C. J. Andrews







2 Prize: J. W. Abbott







3 Prize: J. Menzies







Best #2 Prize: H. J. C. Andrews



Best #3 Prize: J. W. Abbott

