Norwich Mercury, 1888

original problems (1 pr.) (see notes)
winners of the solution tourney (see notes), and chess column editor [J. T. C. Chatto] in case of ties
pr. C. A. L. Bull
m. B. G. Laws (see notes)
Norwich Mercury
i. 10741 (1888-04-21), p. 3: annoucement of solution and problem tourney; first problems
i. 10755 (1888-06-09), p. 3: closing date
i. 10763 (1888-07-07), p. 3: last problem published
i. 10765 (1888-07-14), p. 3: judging
i. 10767 (1888-07-21), p. 3: problems in competition
i. 10769 (1888-07-28), p. 3: judges (i.e. winners of solution tourney) announced
i. 10775 (1888-08-18), p. 3: report

The problem tourney was not restricted to problems of any particular type or length. There was no known requirements for mottos, and problems were published under the name (or signature) of their composers.

While the problem tourney ran concurrently with the solving tourney, only nine of the published problems were competing for the prize. Those problems were 15, 20, 21, 23, 25, 30, 33, 35 and 38.

The winners of the solving tourney and the main judges of the composition tourney were F. J. Howitt, J. D. Tucker, R. P. G., and F. R. Adcock. The adjudication is not described.

The tourney received additional problems for competition, but they appear to have been excluded by faults found by pre-publication examination.

In the brief report, the problem second in rank after the prize winner was declared to be prb. 38 by B. G. Laws.


Prize: C. A. L. Bull
