British Chess Magazine, 1883 (2nd Tourney)

single #3 (6 pr.)
single #4 (6 pr.)
Open to all. Motto not required. Joint compositions not allowed. No corrections or withdrawals were allowed after closing date.
F. C. Collins, W. N. Potter. Umpire: W. Grimshaw
posted not later than 1883-03-31
a (#3) 1 pr. W. T. Pierce
2 pr. F. Schindler
3 pr. E. Orsini
4 pr. J. Pierce
5 pr. C. Planck
6 pr. G. J. Slater
hm. D. Melissinos, W. Jensen, J. W. Abbott, W. Kirdorf, J. Rayner
b (#4) 1 pr. M. Ehrenstein
2 pr. G. J. Slater
3 pr. E. Pradignat
4 pr. F. Dubbe
5 pr. J. W. Abbott
6 pr. E. Hallgren
No honorary mentions were awarded in the four-mover section.
British Chess Magazine
v. 3, p. 79 (Feb., 1883): first tourney problems
4/38 (Feb., 1884), p. 75 : last tourney problems
4/41 (May, 1884), p. 187–194: judge's reports, prel. award lists

Problems were published in British Chess Magazine, and were the subject of a solution tourney.

Three-movers: 28 problems were received, 9 of which were found to be faulty due to multiple solutions. Four-movers: 27 problems were received, but 16 were disqualified (multiple solutions or no solution).

After the first publication of the awards, a 60-day challenge period was allowed for the public to report errors.

No formal declaration that the preliminary awards had become final has been found. But as no complaints appear have been published, the awards are assumed to have become final.


Section A: Three-move Problems

1st Prize: W. T. Pierce


2nd Prize: F. Schindler


3rd Prize: E. Orsini


4th Prize: J. Pierce


5th Prize: C. Planck


6th Prize: G. J. Slater


Section B: Four-move Problems

1st Prize: M. Ehrenstein


2nd Prize: G. J. Slater


3rd Prize: E. Pradignat


4th Prize: F. Dubbe


5th Prize: J. W. Abbott


6th Prize: E. Hallgren
