Huddersfield College Magazine, 1876
The entry fee of 5s included a one-year subscription to
Huddersfield College Magazine, starting from Oct. 1876.
After closing date, problems were published anonymously in
Huddersfield College Magazine, between Oct. 1876 and Jan. 1878, and
were also the object of a solving tourney.
15 sets competed. (The competitors are listed immediately following the
The problem that won the sp. pr. #2 (W. A. Shinkman, set XIII:2; see below)
was found to be identical to another problem published almost
a year after the closing date of the tourney, and only shortly
after set XIII itself was printed. The judge noted
that finding an exact duplicate (even after correction) to a
tourney entry would normally have caused the tourney problem to be disqualified.
The matter and its resolution is discussed in some detail in both the final part
of the judge's
report (p. 155), and in the editor's notes (p. 157, March 1878).
1 Prize: J. H. Finlinson
2 Prize: G. J. Slater
3 Prize: W. Coates
Special Prize #4 (shared): G. J. Slater
3 of 2 pr. set
Special Prize #4 (shared): F. W. Martindale
Special Prize #3: J. H. Finlinson
2 of 1 pr. set
Special Prize #2: W. A. Shinkman
3 Prize: W. Coates
Special Prize #4 (shared): G. J. Slater
3 of 2 pr. set
Special Prize #4 (shared): F. W. Martindale
Special Prize #3: J. H. Finlinson
2 of 1 pr. set
Special Prize #2: W. A. Shinkman
3 of 2 pr. set
Special Prize #4 (shared): F. W. Martindale
Special Prize #3: J. H. Finlinson
2 of 1 pr. set
Special Prize #2: W. A. Shinkman
2 of 1 pr. set
Special Prize #2: W. A. Shinkman