Illustrirte Zeitung, 1859
#1, in which white has as many mating moves as possible,
but not less than 46. Additionally, black should not lose, if he moves first. (25 pr.)
1859-09-29 (‘Michaelis, 1859’)
? (probably the composers mentioned below)
Illustrirte Zeitung
v. 33, i. 841 (1859-08-13), p. 112: announcement
v. 33, i. 851 (1859-10-22), p. 272: prb. 770; results
v. 33, i. 852 (1859-10-29), p. 288: additional result
The initiative to the tourney was occasioned by
a problem (770) by S. A. Wolff, which showed 46 mating moves. (The problem itself was
not published until the first results appeared: the number of mating moves were
given in a short cryptic poem in the announcement.)
In order to compete, the competitor needed to reach the same number of mating moves as in Wolff's problem, but preferrably surpass it. (The printed solution to Wolff's problem shows that promoted pawns were counted for each individual promotion.)
72 contributions, with 14 prize-worthy problems were received. (The number 14 does not match the separate numbers below: it may refer to the number of different authors of prize-worthy problems, as some authors sent multiple attempts. One additional author is reported in a later issue.)
Nine sendings were the same as the position Wolff had sent.
Three had another position, but with the same number of moves.
Six showed the same position of 47 mating moves.
The report also notes that ‘R. W.’ sent a position with 97 mating moves (? see diagram below) that contained nine Queens. An ‘anormal’ position with 31 queens and four bishops was received from R. Schurig, but not printed. The position by ‘R. W.’ is assumed to be excluded from the competition, as it doesn't fulfil the requirement that black at the move must at least retain a draw.
In order to compete, the competitor needed to reach the same number of mating moves as in Wolff's problem, but preferrably surpass it. (The printed solution to Wolff's problem shows that promoted pawns were counted for each individual promotion.)
72 contributions, with 14 prize-worthy problems were received. (The number 14 does not match the separate numbers below: it may refer to the number of different authors of prize-worthy problems, as some authors sent multiple attempts. One additional author is reported in a later issue.)
Nine sendings were the same as the position Wolff had sent.
Three had another position, but with the same number of moves.
Six showed the same position of 47 mating moves.
The report also notes that ‘R. W.’ sent a position with 97 mating moves (? see diagram below) that contained nine Queens. An ‘anormal’ position with 31 queens and four bishops was received from R. Schurig, but not printed. The position by ‘R. W.’ is assumed to be excluded from the competition, as it doesn't fulfil the requirement that black at the move must at least retain a draw.
Position 1: 46 mating moves
Position 2: 46 mating moves
A position silimilar to position 1 but not printed. Found by: C. Schurig, Günther, M. Querl.