Mitteldeutscher Schachbund, 1877 (Anderssen 50-year Jubilee Congress, Leipzig)

2x3-5# (2 pr.)
C. Schwede
The judge had the right to give a prize to a single problem, if one should prove to be better than any of the correct sets. The final award would follow four weeks after publication in Deutsche Schachzeitung.
1 pr. J. Berger
2 pr. K. Kondelik
32/6 (June 1877), p. 161-165: detailed announcement
32/7 (July 1877), p. 200-204: judge's report; preliminary awards, list of competitors
——, p. 205-210: tourney problems; prize winners
32/8 (Aug. 1877), p. 231-235: tourney problems
32/9 (Sep. 1877), p. 270: tourney problems
p. 24-25: announcement
p. 27: rules and requirements for problem tourney
p. 212-215: prize-winning problems

Judging from the notes in Deutsche Schachzeitung, the details of the congress were decided in April, and so the problem tourney details may be assumed to have been decided then as well. However, no publication of these prior to June have been identified so far. (The congress book confirms this: in May the announcement was sent to interested parties, but it was not published until June, the month before the congress started.)

27 sets competed.

The preliminary awards were announced during the congress. The Kondelik #4 (1) was used for the congress solving tournament.

The congress book identifies this tourney as "Problemturnier des mitteldeutschen Schachbundes," in difference to the rest of the congress, which is not expressly stated to be that of any chess organizations.


1 Prize: J. Berger





2 Prize: K. Kondelik



