Nuova Rivista degli Scacchi, 1877
single #3 (3 pr.)
Open to everyone. Multiple sendings allowed under different mottos.
L. Bellotti, L. Sprega, G. Tonetti.
1 pr. G. B. Valle (Motto: Scaccomania)
2 pr. A. Abela (A study)
3 pr. J. Obermann (Salut à Livourne)
hm A. Arnell (Thule),
G. B. Valle (Luni),
P. Viesseux (Labor et constantia),
A. Arnell (Aus Norden),
A. Fantacci (Cosa fatta capo ha),
G. Belvrendes (Saluto),
K. Kondelik (Jo u tazas),
A. Abela (Tout vit),
A. Fantacci (Chinon fa non falla),
D. Melissinos (Lucia)
Nuova Rivista degli Scacchi
3/5 (1877-05-01), p. 130-131: announcement
4/6 (1878-05-15), p. 131: prizes.
4/6 (1878-06-15), p. 157–159: judges' report.
The tourney received 98 problems. Two were withdrawn by their authors, and two were disqualified for not including solutions. An additional 27 problems failed examinations. The remaining problems appear to have been evaluated by a system devised by L. Sprega, but which had not been made public at the time of the report.
1 Prize: G. B. Valle
2 Prize: A. Abela
3 Prize: J. Obermann