Westminster Chess Club, 1871

3x#3-4 (2 pr.)
Open to British composers only. Joint compositions not allowed.
R. B. Wormald, P. T. Duffy
1871-07-14 (UK) / 1871-08-14
1 pr.   J. W. Abbott (Motto: Ex luce lucellum)
2 pr.   J. H. Finlinson (Sequitur Victoria fortis)
v. 4, p. 65 (June 1, 1871): Sets “Trois Etoiles”, “Nec timeo, nec sperno”, “Vast images [...]”
v. 4, p. 82 (Sep. 1, 1871): Sets “Sequitur Victoria fortis”, “Ex luce lucellum”, “Nil desperandum
v. 4, p. 101 (Oct. 2, 1871): Sets “Some of Life’s chips”, “Clavam extorquere Hercūli”; sound problems from “In these problems [...]” and “Au revoir”.
v. 4, p. 117-118 (Nov. 1, 1871): list of competitors & mottos, judges prel. report.
v. 4, p. 119 (Nov. 1, 1871): sound problems from “Playmates”, “Au Revoir”, “Helenus

Mr. Portilla (from Mexico) requested permission to compete, and was admitted, as he was a member of the University of Cambridge, as well as held a scholarship there.

After a preliminary examination, problems were published in Westminster Papers. Readers’ comments on soundness and originality were invited.

In the final report, the judges noted that a variation in one of the problems of the prelimary 1st prize winner ("Vast images [...]") was a second solution to the problem, but did not specify any details. The set was disqualified, and the final prize list was adjusted accordingly. The question of what constituted a second solution seems to be considered in conjunction with the preliminary report; it appears to have included a variation not documented by the author.

Contrary to the published rules of the tourney Westminster Papers published the list of competitors and their mottoes prior to the final report. This, as well as the apology printed with the final report, identifies the preliminary 1st pr. winner as Mr. E. Freeborough.


1 Prize: J. W. Abbott







2 Prize: J. H. Finlinson





